Current plague year 2020.
After an April rendezvous in Valencia was necessarily cancelled, mekons adopted the “exquisite corpse” method as a means of collectively assembling lyrics and tunes and recording their new album.
Locked down in various locations stretching from the West Coast of California to the East End of London, mekons sang and played into their cellphones, e-mailing, uploading and Whatsapping their wailings, beatings, scratchings and strummings across the globe through the billions of interconnected nodes of our networked panopticon.
Exquisite was recorded in splendid physical isolation on mobile phones, broken cassette recorders, clay tablets & other ancient technologies in Aptos, Chicago, London, Los Angeles, New York & Devon in April and May 2020.
Mike Hagler assembled the results in Chicago, which were mixed by The Baron (Dave Trumfio) in LA soon after.
Exquisite is only available as a digital download and only through Bandcamp, beginning on Juneteenth (June 19). On that day, Bandcamp is donating 100% of their share of sales to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, with the pledge to do so “for every Juneteenth hereafter”.