Mekons mailing list

On March 9th 1998 I started the Mekons mailing list: CLUB MEKON

If you want to subscribe:

* send an empty (!) email to


Some Instructions about that list

How to send mails
To post to the mailing list, send mail to:


How to unsuscribe:
If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list, you can send an empty (!) email to


The list is run by Norbert Knape (Nobby). You should contact him if there are any problems.



Club Mekon is a mailing list that focuses on discussing the music of the Mekons and related bands and musicians. Related bands are all bands that have any connections with anybody who ever had an active part with the Mekons: from Waco Brothers (Jon Langford, Steve Goulding) to Bomb Party (Sarah Corina). This list is not moderated, so it's open to any kind of development, just as the active members wish.

The list is run by

The CLUB MEKON website is:
The messages of the group
and other group information is found at:

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